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Socializer zwalnia i upomina po wpadce na fanpage’u Play

Kamil Kaniewski z agencji Socializer zamieścił na facebookowym fanpage’u Play pytanie do sieci, będąc zalogowanym jako... administrator tego fanpage’a. Został dyscyplinarnie zwolniony, a inny pracownik Socializera, który skomentował to pytanie, dostał upomnienie.

Dołącz do dyskusji: Socializer zwalnia i upomina po wpadce na fanpage’u Play

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Taxes definitely undoubtedly are a point presently, despite the fact that Objectivists believe any tax is immoral, at this period it is unfeasible to take a seat inside of a tax-free environment. Why will probably be the next publish, in the intervening time try to be centered on making taxes equal, specified, easy, and minimally intrusive.
Champion: ViSalus Mire-Shape Nutritional Shake on account of its outstanding kind of Tri-sorb protein. Just 12 grams, it is remarkable due to the fact you truly take in and make the most of loads of Tri Sorb protein. Considering the fact that the isoflavones are taken from the soy, it truly is an acceptable dietary supplement for muscle mass making. Call for much more protein? Rather than using water for the shake make use of an natural nut milk, grain milk, cow milk or soy milk.
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